Library Assessment Conference - The Power of Performance: Outcome Measurement in Modern Times

November 02, 2016 Arlington, Virginia 11:00 AM

Emily Plagman, Public Library Association

Denise Davis, Sacramento Public Library


In 2015, the Public Library Association, in partnership with the Performance Measurement Task Force, launched its latest field-driven initiative: Project Outcome. Project Outcome is dedicated to helping public libraries understand and share the true impact of essential library services and programs. Project Outcome provides libraries with seven patron-facing surveys, online, interactive tools for collecting and analyzing the data, and practical guidance using the results for advocacy, planning and decision making. The paper will research the participation rates and activity of its enrolled users, examining the participation and outcome measurement adoption rates across the field. It will also review the aggregated patron response data, collected by libraries across the country, in order to determine national trends of the outcomes of library programs and services. Lastly, it will identify areas where its users have analyzed the patron data and taken action as a result of their findings. The results of this research will provide attendees a clearer understanding of how the public library field is adopting outcome measurement and using the data to make better and more informed decisions about their library.